Anxiety can be hard to cope with on an individual basis. It can add a layer of difficulty when anxiety is impacting your relationships. As a guest on the Still Becoming One podcast, I had the opportunity to talk about my specialty, anxiety, and the various impacts some couples may experience. This episode is geared not only for people struggling with anxiety who are in a relationship but also for the significant others who can be impacted as well.
Read MoreDiscussions and teachings about kindness are everywhere. At work, at school, on social media, and now, on our clothing. This blog aims to offer some perspective on the prevalent teachings of unconditional kindness many encounter today. It will introduce or remind you of other important aspects to incorporate into your interactions instead of or along with kindness. This topic is applicable to those who tend to call themselves people-pleasers and people working to be more assertive and to build self-confidence.
Read MoreDo you find yourself overthinking a variety of topics and much more than you used to? Do you struggle to have a framework of how to make choices and instead base it on ever-changing variables like who is involved, what they will think, or how difficult it will be to go through with something even though you know it is right for you? If so, you are in good company. Many people feel anxious or even obsess about decision-making which is exactly why I made this list of 10 things to consider when you are faced with a decision to make.
Read MoreAre you finding that your answer to a lot of challenging things in your life is to avoid them? Avoiding can have a hefty price tag when it comes to anxiety, mood, and self-confidence. In this post, I discuss the benefits of facing things as they come which can help reduce anxiety and improve mood and self-esteem, all while avoiding paying a price.
Read MoreSelf-care is a key element of mental health and one that is often not prioritized. Check out this blog post to learn how our vocabulary may be contributing to why some of us may be underprioritizing self-care. Don’t miss the list of fun and practical self-care activities.
Read MoreSetting boundaries is a very important tool and strategy to help in a variety of situations. Boundaries can help us keep things from feeling overwhelming, protect our time and our energy, and keep space between certain people or temptations. They can also help us meet our goals and make healthy choices. Check out the list to learn a few ways you can set healthy boundaries for how you use and consume information online and over social media.
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